
email antics for boys

Aug. 04, 2006 - 10:59 am

I decided to get into work nice and early this morning... when I walked out at 5:15, it was raining! So no motorcycle today. It also means I get to sit in horrendous traffic on the way home to pick up Boys. Bleh.

Connor has had his own Yahoo! account for a while now. He emails his friends, and vice versa. I have told him that I will *always* have his account and password, and if he doesn't like that, he doesn't have to have internet access.

A few months ago, one of his girl-"friends" was sending out inappropriate emails. Kathy really doesn't like this girl, and while I find her a tad annoying, I won't be going that far. But the things she was sending out were definitely not appropriate (just language, but still... sixth grade!). We told him to ask her to tone it down; since the alternative was to let her mom know (the most anal person on the planet... probably explains her rebellion so early), she did pretty immediately.

So I have been perusing his email on occasion, just to make sure things aren't heading that way again. They are all fine in that area, but there are other concerns.

One is that he types in an even more abbreviated version of netspeak... almost illegible. I realize (from continuing personal experience) that typing isn't the easiest thing to do, but it's like his handwriting... he needs to be able to express his thoughts legibly for others to be able to know what is on his mind.

Also, the girl he told he "liked-liked" never reciprocated... so he told her a few weeks ago that since she never responded that he "luvd" another girl. Not good. While I told him early on that it would come to the point that she would be sad when he moved on, there's no reason to rub her face in it. But the worst is that he told the *new* girl that "since Lin never replied, I guess I luv you now!" as if that were some sort of grand prize. She pretty much read him the riot act for that; he may be a bit confused as to why... it's something I will have to let him know.

I haven't spoken to him about any of these things directly, but hinted a bit around the girl issue, hoping he would come clean. I didn't want to let him know I was reading his email, but I will have to. I told him last night we needed to talk about these issues, and along with that will have to come that I will continue to monitor him so I can steer him in the right direction, as a father should. I also need to let him know that at this point in his life, telling someone you "luv" them isn't appropriate either.

And before you ask, yes... I have had "the talk" with him regarding sex, and love and (hopeful) abstinence. I have reinforced that talk, and will do so again... and again, and again. It's my job.

No real progress on the kitchen, but Boys are going off for a birthday party this Sunday, so hopefully I'll be able to get something done. It's been way too friggin' hot to do anything for over a month. But I think I can get the drywall mudding done, and perhaps get those free tile inserts in. I reeeeeeely want to be done by Sean's birthday party (4 weeks from Saturday!).

Also, I need to get those invites out.

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