
shouldnt I be sleeping in?

Apr. 14, 2007 - 5:18 am

Like bad boy, I had already had a few beers when Lisa called last night, thinking that I was done with all that bullshit. So yes, that means nearly zero sleep last night. I finally got tired of it and here I am.

BTW, Nikki... that was Connor's friends mom who gave the advice; not the ex... I can see how that would have come across. I doubt Kathy would have been as perceptive or forthcoming (although "Water off a duck's back" is how she approached many things) with advice on how to deal with someone I had been seeing.

That "Don't let her" advice is a lot easier said than done, especially for someone with my pinball-machine brain. I will try, though, and yet at the same time recognize my own limitations, in that these things *will* play about in my head until they find a way out... it's just the way my mind works.

The key is not to give Lisa an Extra Ball... :)

So today will be spent in the yard, going for a nice walk with Sean (to see how my knee holds up for potential running in the mornings), and possibly hitting some tennis balls with him. I *was* going to look into the eharmony and/or match.com thing again, but I don't want to do that for the wrong reasons (speaking of Lisa again). A couple weeks ago i said I wasn't ready, and I shouldn't let this blast from the past push me towards something, just as a way of "proving" to myself that things are ready to resume. At the same time, I *was* thinking about going ahead, so I can't let that limit me.

Damn... it's like the airlines just delivered all that baggage I thought I lost all those months ago... at least that analogy makes me laugh... :)

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