
post-birthday weekend, and home sick

Feb. 20, 2007 - 10:02 am

So yeah... between my 4 days off with the knee, my trip up to my brother's in January and today, my number of "official" sick days left hovers near zero. Luckily, they don't really count them. Sean was sick with a fever all weekend; I decided to wait until yesterday to join the parade.

Finally had dinner with my mom last night; since Sean was sick over the weekend we couldn't do Saturday. But a little pointer for my mom, when you're going out to dinner with someone and grab the check to make their birthday a a bit "special," bitching about the cost for the entire ride home removes the specialness.

OK... gonna check if the WoW servers are back up... either that or take a nap. Coughing *hurts.*

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