

Feb. 13, 2007 - 8:23 am

Sushi was good (when is free sushi *not* good?), and the company was great. I am generally in such a good mood these days, and I think it even helps others around me enjoy themselves more... not quite the sourpuss I was for so long. There are always a few things (like my mom... more on that below), but that's life, baby...

My Dad's wife Terri collects dolls, and when we were dating, Lisa brought over her grandmother's fairly thrashed doll to see if Terri could examine it and see what it might take to restore it. Terri doesn't do the restoration herself, but took a look and knows a few people. I am noting all this because even a year after our breakup, Terri still has it. She asked last night if we could (again) get it back to Lisa, as she doesn't want anything to happen to it, but just needs to get it on its merry way. I have written Lisa a few emails, and Terri has called her and left a couple messages. I volunteered to come by after sushi last night and pick it up, sending Lisa an email and letting her know we need to schedule a retrieval. Terri volunteered to do it for me, so I wouldn't have to contact her, but that doesn't bother me, and it's not Terri's responsibility anyway.

Lisa probably won't want to see me or actually *talk* to me on the phone to schedule it... fine; childish, but whatever. So I asked Terri if instead she could find someone that would actually *do* the restoration, how much it would cost, and then I could pick up the doll and that info, and get it all to Lisa. If she doesn't reply, I'll UPS it over to her with the info. I was going to pay for the restoration myself, but who knows how much that would be, and it isn't my place anyway.

So onto the mom front... I can't believe I didn't think of your solution, Sue, so here's what I am going to do. Tonight, I will call her as promised, as she is expecting the info for Thursday. Instead, I will tell her that plans have changed, and I would LOVE for her to accompany me and the Boys to dinner after their soccer games on Saturday afternoon. There's this awesome Chinese place I haven't been to in a while, and that's where we'll go.

I have already made the reservations for Thursday at Benihana... for three. Boy night. If she asks, I will tell her that yes, we are still going and that it'll be great to see her... on Saturday. I'm going to approach it as a "change of plans," rather than an uninvite for her on Thursday. That way, I get my Boy time *on* my birthday (which is what I want) and we can do mom dinner at a different time. She does NOT have the option of attending on Thursday instead, but I hope I won't have to explicitly say that.

So a different Terri plays on Suramar, eh...? We're on Bloodscalp, and yes, my lvl 38 undead warlock has been in the Scarlet Monastery as recently as last week (although I have been trying to finish up 5 quests in Stormgarde Keep for the past week). I spend a bit more time in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin when I reach the upper portions of each leveling decade, though... get some good swag outa those honor points and the opportunity to kick Alliance ass. :)

Also have a lvl 19 Blood Elf Rogue, to compliment Connor's 20 BE Mage... we kick butt together!

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