
mmm... vicodin...

Dec. 21, 2006 - 4:34 pm

I had to go have some foot surgery this morning; I've had an ingrown toenail for about a month now, and it was getting better and worse. Of course, any time I so much as kicked a dust bunny it would howl in pain. But I figured it might go away after a while... until this morning. By a stroke of luck, he had an open appointment, and gave me the choice of having it cut&scraped today, or waiting until after Christmas.

Obviously, I chose today.

Now, I've been REALLY busy at work, trying to get a system up&running for over the shutdown. I couldn't afford the time to just go home, so I went back in at noon (after being there 5-10 already). Once the anesthesia started wearing off though, I was done. I hadn't filled my vicodin prescription yet either.

Although I did on the way home... am I a big wuss to be wincing in so much pain on the way home on the freeway? Probably, but even though this is "minor" surgery, hurt is hurt... and it hurts.

Or at least it did... that stuff is starting to kick in now, and I'm feeling the waves... it's pretty wild, but my already pathetic typing skills are deteriorating by the second. Don't think I'll try painting the kitchen on this stuff either... heh.

But if I don't make it back, Merry Christmas to my hundreds of thousands of readers!

Would you believe... ( I want the new Get Smart boxed set... but I certainly don't have $200 to spend on it right now).

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