

Dec. 16, 2006 - 11:08 am

The dance was great; I worked "security" outside (if there's one thing I'm good at, it's being big), and Connor had a great time. I spent as much time away from him as possible, but he kept coming up and hanging out with *me.* Quite the opposite of what I was afraid of, me being around *him* too much, to his emberrasment.

Pretty much none of the crowd (the "non-cool" kids... he's comfortable with that, and even enjoys it) he hangs around with at school showed. He seemed OK with it; said he knew half the kids there, but more in a "Hi" in the hallways sort of way... I told him that "Hi!" could lead to "what's going on?" to friendships to whatever... especially with some of the girls. I wasn't pushing him in that at all, but am trying to give him some of the advice I never got growing up.

He wound up hanging out (with me) with one of his friends he has known for years... a girl that has so obviously got a major thing for him that it isn't even funny. I've met her before and she is *very* nice. She was one of the few girls that was actually dressed like a 12-year old girl... most of the girls still looked and acted like they were in Jr High, but dressed like they were 17. It was really almost disconcerting. These were the "popular" girls, who (according to him) wind up doing a lot of "grinding" at these dances... I told Connor that was NOT appropriate at his age, and he agreed.

There was probably 5-1 ratio of girls to boys... I should have told him those odds made for good huntin' but the girls were more interested in hanging out with each other and giggling, and the boys were still running around and acting like boys. It was interesting to see them acting like kids while the girls were trying (and failing for the most part, but still trying) to act like young women.

Overall it was good (the teacher he'll have for science next year is a total babe, so I got some eye-candy as well), he said he had a good time, even though I had to shoo him back into the dance a few times, as he was hanging out with me outside. After I was relieved from my duties in the last 15 minutes, I went inside to check out the dance itself... and found him sitting by himself against a wall during a dance that the kids made into a conga line... poor kid; he just wasn't that into that aspect of it, I guess. He *is* one of those boys that is still a kid, though.

He did mention that yes, he does notice and like some of the girls that were there, but that they "don't know I am even alive..."

Welcome to the world the rest of us live in, kiddo. He'll be just fine.

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