
another one of those "milestone" things

Dec. 15, 2006 - 12:11 pm

So tonight... Connor's first Jr High Dance.

I'm taking him, helping set up, and chaperoning... now I just have to make sure and not pay *too* much attention to what he's doing, thereby stifling his composure.

And he's got it... I asked if he would dance, and he said he might if he felt like it (although like his father he probably has White Man's Disease... "the Number One killer of rhythm." Lolly for the reference.). How a 12-year old can be so incredibly comfortable in his own skin is always astounding to me... I just encourage that confidence and let him be himself.

Sean was sick on Tuesday/Wednesday (did I mention that?), so I stayed home and was able to work from there as well. He missed his Oral Book report. Every Boy has their own strengths, and Sean's is reading and writing. He's in second grade, and reads like *I* did at his age (OK... maybe not *that* well, but I didn't have the distractions of video games and HDTV... just figuring out how my abacus and slide rule worked. =D ). His writing/penmanship are already on a par with Connor's, but that says more about Connor's lack of penmanship than anything else.

Which reminds me... I need to send Connor's English teacher an explanation as to why he sometimes turns in two sets of Homework... I make him re-write it neatly if it's especially bad.

Kathy actually wanted to be the nosy one and spy on Connor at his dance tonight, but she had already volunteered to work Sean's schools "Dinner with Santa." So I got (and gladly) volunteered to hit the Jr High.

Connor continually talks about how much he likes the social aspect of his school. I warn him about the dangers he will face, and he keeps telling me that "most of" the kids in his school are good... no drugs, smoking, gangs, etc. It makes me glad he keeps his eyes and ears open, and I know he'll never get involved in any of that stuff... the "sex and girls" thing is a little more worrisome; them hormones kicking in can really screw with his sense of perspective. But I just keep talking to him about things, and keep the lines of communication open... as non-judgmentally as possible. I'll keep that up until he gives me cause to do otherwise. I'm not trying to be one of those "friends-first" parents; I think that is really destructive and they need guidance and discipline; not an older "friend."

But we still have fun and good times together... from our weekend outings as Boys, to playing Magic nearly every night after homework (and now that he beats me on occasion, he's having more fun). I don't hold back with him on the game, and I *like* it when he thinks of new things and beats me (unlike what my Dad did with me growing up).

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