
good turkey

Nov. 27, 2006 - 11:30 am

Turkey Day was really, really good... everyone at my Mom's (even Kathy). A little tennis, stayed very late (well... for Thanksgiving anyway... until about 7) then went over to my Dad's for an hour or so with the Boys.

A few weeks ago, an inadvertent email forward from my sister to my stepsisters caused quite the little pre-Christmas firestorm. I won't go into details, but suffice to say that my stepsisters kids have always gotten preferential treatment from my Dad and his wife, and I didn't want my kids to feel even *more* marginalized this Christmas due to Gift Exchange.

Nothing was mentioned at Thanksgiving, but afterwards one of my stepsisters sent an email over the weekend asking for no gifts, and saying they wouldn't buy any for anyone either. Big eyeroll from me... like my Dad's wife (her mom) won't be lavishing the gifts on them regardless.

But even through all the unfortunateness... I managed to have a nice talk about it all with my brother and sister... a very, very good trade on my part, even though it wasn't my intention. All good.

The rest of the nice, long weekend was spent putting up Christmas lights with Connor, a couple trips to Home Depot (adding a dividing wall from the dining room to living room) and Target, and a trip to the bowling alley for a little Boy Fun Time.

We're going to do one of those little trips every weekend I have them where we're not doing something else (such as heading up to my brothers or something). Bowling, miniature golf... beach or waterpark in the summer... just fun Boy time.

That is all... this is gonna be quite a nasty week at work; I wanted to get some done at home, but things just kept happening... family. Not "getting in the way," (because my Boys just *can't* do that), but other priorities.

I love and miss these kids so much... not just when they are with Kathy, but even when I am merely at work for the day.

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