
some semi-quality time

Nov. 21, 2006 - 8:39 pm

I don't drink all that much any more; I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but about 6 months ago I started waking up at ~1AM if I drink anything , and can't get back to sleep. Since I like sleep more than I like beer (and that must mean I like sleep a LOT), instances of drinking are few and far between. I just test the waters on occasion, to see if it's still occurring.

It is.

On Sunday, my neighbor invited me over to a local watering hole/pizza joint to watch the Chargers game. I'm not a big football fan, but I did feel like getting out of the house, as well as downing a few. He mentioned a couple places, and off we went, his wife, his cousin, and a neighborhood kid for designated driver.

When we got there, we ordered food and beers, and then I thought that Kathy lived a block from there, and why not call her and the Boys over? They're always walking over to this place, and ever since out concert thing with them, I have been attempting to be nice and spend more "family" time, even though we are of course not a family in the traditional sense any more. But it's good for the Boys to see us doing things together, and besides... I don't think there's any viciousness left in her. She wanted the house, didn't get it, and I think she's done. I really think it would require her to care more about me to even get to the point of nasty. Her indifference is sort of all-consuming.

I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense.

Anyway... she thought it was a great idea, and while the Boys played video games (and eventually walked home without her, likely to play more at home) we had a good time and drank WAY too much. She eventually left to walk home, we had our driver drive *us* home, and a fun time was had by all.

And a couple weeks ago, I invited her (at my mom's request) over to my mom's for Thanksgiving. After last year, when I had to rescind the invite given her by others (unknown to me), I again think it's just good for us to do stuff together.

We'll see where it goes, and I know that there may be alarm bells, but really... I don't think she cares enough about me to worry about her doing anything. It's a pattern for over 20 years... I just don't matter enough to be worth the effort to her.


It's why we got divorced...

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