
no more updates

Nov. 17, 2006 - 1:49 pm

No; not here (but, heh, at the thought... like there would be a difference...), but no more for Kathy.

Let's 'splain, shall we?

Since she moved out (ten *glorious* months now... but who's counting), I have been providing weekly status reports for Kathy on what the Boys did during their week with me. I figure that a) she'd like to know and b) information is key; you can't do anything if you don't know there's something that needs to be done. Not just any issues, but praise for them as well. Working together means, well... working *together* to be good parental units.

I think I've missed maybe three times since I started doing it... which is coincidentally close to the number of times Kathy has actually reciprocated and updated *me.* Not a real surprise for those that have been following this saga for a long time; she just gets too busy, and my need to know what they are doing is treated the same as every need I had during our marriage... not with any sense of disdain, but rather with indifference.

Rather than let it get to me (I am very far along that path of indifference towards her as well, although I will of course not be indifferent to her as the mother of my children), I sent the following as my header to this weeks update...

Since this weekly status thing has been pretty one-sided, I'm no longer going to go into detail for the Boys' weeks when I have them. However, I believe it is in their best interest for us to know major or minor milestones when we do not have them, so I will continue to give you those things, examples of which are detailed below. Since we can't act in their benefit without this knowledge, please see if you can find 10 minutes a week to update me as to anything I might need to know. Not for my benefit, but for theirs.

So there ya go.

Kitchen pics ought to be coming in a couple weeks... no really. I'm signing off so I can go put up the last 3 pieces of molding. I hope to paint the cieling and install the lights over Thanksgiving weekend.

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