
yeah, yeah... I know...

Nov. 09, 2006 - 6:07 pm

Zzzzzzzzz... what day. I have a couple hours left before I leave, since tonight's softball game is a late one. But I've been here 12 hours already.

Sporadic you say? ;-)

Anyway... it'll be moreso at work, since I have been screwing off too much, and am now way, way behind. I have several months worth of hard work ahead of me, and it has to be done quickly and well or I may wind up getting the boot. I have been resting on the laurels of my past successes here, but that ain't gonna cut it for the future.

I'll get it done, though. But I need a little break after those 12 hours typing documentation, so what do I do??? Type some more...

Late worktime will help. Especially since soccer season is over in less than 10 days. I cannot tell you how relieved I will be at that. This season has sucked so much ass it isn't even funny. But I try and keep a smile on my face for Sean, and at least I am only coaching his team this year.

This weekend, after the second to last soccer game, Connor and I are going to finally modchip his xbox, so he can install a bigger hard drive and save games on it. Something to do together, like finish those last two pieces of molding so I can call the kitchen done after six months.

No dating; no urge... I like my alone time WAY too much to drag it down with a woman. Sorry, women! ;-) But I'm not even going and hanging out with "the guys." When I have the Boys, I have the Boys. When I am alone, I just like the silence.

Garage is nearly fully clean after three years of being a storage facility for mine and Kathy's shit. Nice to be able to find my tools...

Next step is to get my bar back, which became my storage room while I cleaned out the garage. Now that I can find things, I can organize, and throw away. I am attempting to go through all my crap and just suck it up and throw away stuff I know I won't need, or won't use in the next few months. That's tough... I'm really not much of a packrat, or at least I didn't think I was.

I'm sick of typing... I'll make an attempt to extrapolate one thing at a time in the future, but wanted to get a little bit of everything out there for now. I'll try to make it more often than every couple months... less sporadic, ya know? :)

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