
dumping the email, too

Jun. 14, 2006 - 10:36 am

After mulling over asking the cute little chickiepoo out here at work, I decided against; it's just too soon, and the biggest mistake I made with the ex-GF was getting involved with someone else so soon after my marriage fell apart (so soon it was even before the divorce was officially filed, even though the marriage as officially over). Not that I regret my time with the ex-GF, but we both agreed the timing was bad.

So after deciding to stick with my self-imposed exile from the female of the species, I decided yesterday to finally dump all the email from the ex-GF from the past few years. I don't know why I had been hanging onto it, but figured to let that go. It took a while, and in an eerie coincidence, about 30 seconds after I dumped the last one, I received the automated email from the OCPAC that the tickets for the show she wanted to see for her birthday were now on sale. I had signed up for the email probably a year ago.

Another one of those eerie non-coincidental coincidences. And I ran across several of her cards last night after scouts... into the can they went! Of course, I'm not about to toss any of the cool stuff she bought me...

And last night after picking the OldestBoy up from theX's house, I told her that she wouldn't be meeting the ex-GF at OldestBoy's birthday this weekend, and why. The party will be at her place (at OB's request... he's doing a good job of trying to play the middle, even though we've told him he doesn't have to), and I figured I'd lower her stress level a bit for that awkward first-meeting that will now never happen.

Besides, I wasn't sure if anyone had already told her we weren't seeing each other any more... theX keeps in touch with the neighbors still, and they might have let her know. But it seems that they are minding their own business, which is good. They were all worried that I was going to get married and move right out (and the first of those things is one of the, if not *the* main reason I broke up with the ex-GF... she kept wanting to know when we were getting married), but no way... at least for now.

Things with the OldestBoy at home worked out fine yesterday; he just played his newest video game. We'll see how well that works out with a friend over this afternoon. I'm not going to be letting it get too far beyond that, though.

The B&G Club has a bike shop where the Boys work on bikes donated are recovered from stolen parts. Last week, for the *second* time, the people in charge let some other kids come in and take the bike OldestBoy had been working on. So he's effectively had two bicycles stolen from him with the tacit approval of the B&GClub management.

Needless to say, I'm going to speak to them this afternoon. Listen for the explosion. They said (according to OldestBoy) that they told some kids they let in to get "extra" bikes not to take any that were tagged with their owners' names (like his was), but how stupid could they possibly be??? Someone who is going to *steal* a bike certainly isn't going to listen whey they are told not to take the one that has someone's name on it!

The second in charge at this place (who let the kids in to grab the "untagged" bikes) is an idiot anyway (I guess I answered my own question from above..). So I'm going to talk to the manager, and then the district manager. This has to stop.

Also, he got nailed at school yesterday for talking to four of his friends. That's it; talking. Nothing major; he said they just moved two feet apart and kept talking. I was mulling over talking to the principal and telling her that he wasn't going to follow that rule, but there's only a week of school left and then he's out of there. I told him that if a teacher again said they couldn't talk, he was to *respectfully* let them know I said he was able to talk to whomever he wishes, and in whatever number. Said it was up to him to decide if it was worth it, but if he decided to be defiant, I would back him up 100%.

The more I think about it, the more I think I need to say something... especially since YoungestBoy will be going there for five more years (unless we decide to put him in the school near where theX lives... it's a better school anyway).

It's just such a dumb way to handle this, and punishing to their budding social skills besides.

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