
comment answers for Birthday...

May. 02, 2006 - 12:10 pm

Regarding this comment... (I hate for you to be confused, Bonnie... :)

For TheX's present... I went ahead and asked her what she would like form the Boys. I had already bought her a set of scotch glasses, and will give them to her from me (since alcohol related gifts aren�t appropriate from Boys). I know it sets a dangerous precedent (particularly since she got me diddly for *my* birthday this year... not even a *card* from the Boys), but this whole escapade over the last several years has been about me doing what is right, even in the face of getting smacked around by her.

Giving her a present for her 40th Birthday comes under the heading of "Doing what is right." And it's better than the $220 bottle of whisky I was contemplating while standing in front of the Offerings the other day.

Also, buying her a Mother's Day card from the Boys... same thing (which I have already done... I *am* the Card King!). It's the Right thing to do.

Hope that makes sense, but since your advice has been pretty much 100% on the mark since Day One, Bonnie, I hope I don't get bitten by this precedent. If you'll recall, I even bought her (and her parents!) Christmas presents this last year.

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