
auugh... my eyes!!!

Mar. 30, 2006 - 8:31 am

I am SO glad it was raining yesterday morning, curtailing my ability to driver my new motorcycle in to work. I had an ophthalmologist appointment in the afternoon (had cataract surgery on both my eyes in the last few years), and by that time it was nice and sunny. They had to dilate my eyes, and walking back out to my truck was *extremely* painful. I would have been riding my bike right into the setting sun, which would not have been pretty.

But I left work early for my appointment, and went by the place I ordered my kitchen cabinets to check out granite countertops. I didn't have a lot of time before my appointment, so wasn't able to do much more than cursory checking. I have a month or so until I get the cabinets, then it's going to take a couple week(end)s for me to install them. Doing the install myself is going to save me the cost of my bike right there. I do, however, know my limitations, so I'll be having the countertops installed professionally.

Then went and bought some motorcycle boots... I think I'm pretty well outfitted now.

One of the drawbacks I have been looking at for this motorcycle riding is not being able to ride in on the weeks I have my Boys. Not that having them is a drawback, of course, but I have to drop them off at school and pick them up from the Boys&Girls Club. Living in Southern California, the weather should allow me the ability to ride in to work approx 95% of the time, these dropoffs/pickups notwithstanding (or the need to pick something up in my truck on the way home).

But I came up with a great idea... riding my bike will save me ~15 minutes on my commute each way, depending on traffic. I can *walk* the Boys to school, walk home, get on my bike and ride in. I'll get a little (extra) exercise, spend some time in the fresh air and sunshine with my Boys, and still get in to work at about the same time I would had I dropped them off and driven my truck. I drive home, back my bike into the garage, and drive over to the B&G Club to pick them up in the truck. Same commute time both ways.

There's always a workaround, and this one has extra perks.

I'm really getting into this post-divorce life in full swing. I let me hair grow after my trip to Scotland last year, but it was getting kind of out of hand so I cut it late last summer... it's the last time it has been cut since then. Oh, I've had it trimmed and the ends cut off, but it's pretty much longer than it's been since I was in high school, and close to longest ever. I could probably put it in a pony tail, but for now it would be one of those lame 1" pony tails that network admins have, and I don't want to do that... just let it hang, baby!

I call it my "divorce doo," and wonder what it would have been like had I let it grow for an *entire* year.

I think I'll find out.

It's a little unwieldy; I have VERY thick hair, and the cycle helmet screws with it even more. All the baldies in the office keep commenting... heh; I think they're jealous. At 45 years old, I don't have any issues (yet!) with thinning or receding; I don't even have a single grey hair.

And after the last 3 years, that last part is the biggest shocker of all.

Maybe I'll post a picture in a few weeks; I know I want to post before/after pics of my kitchen, so we'll see.

Then, after the B4L kicks in full swing (after return from my brother's in a couple weeks), after I get back into shape, maybe I'll complete the cycle ensemble with some leather pants...

heh... I couldn't even type that with a straight face. I'm not a "leather pants" kind of guy. Although, maybe the post-divorce me *could* be... hmmm...

You said it, Sue... I'm just so *happy* right now... I try to be sad and miss the ex-GF, because I think that's what I'm *supposed* to be doing. But this life I am leading right now is just SO awesome. One of the guys here at work said I should ask out this one woman I (and the rest of the office) have been drooling over, and I just shot that down immediately...

*alone,* baby... I'm enjoying this way too much, and just broke up with someone to *be* alone. The *last* thing I need right now is to be dating... even dating the most gorgeous woman that has ever walked in these doors.

It's an Engineering company, so that's not saying much, even though it is in this case. But she's pretty hot... young, too, so what interest she would have in me is questionable, despite my stunning good looks (again, there's that "unable to type with a straight face" thing...).

I'll settle for my drooling for the foreseeable future regardless.

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