
looking forward...

Mar. 30, 2006 - 6:53 pm

Pardon the spelling; for some reason my Word won't load, and I guess I rely on the spellchecker too much.

I was going to call this "Revelations," but I don't think it's a revelation so much as an acknowledgment. Bear with me...

At most (if not all) other times in my life when things looked like they were going well, I would tend to Look For The Bus. I always have said that I was the living embodiment of Murphy's Law, but just how much of that is a self-fulfilling prophecy? When things were going so well, when I was enjoying my life as I am now, I spent so much time looking over my shoulder for the bus that would inevitably run me down that I didn't stop to smell the roses that were blooming so beautifully at that point in my life. And who knows if, by not taking the time to *enjoy* those brilliant times of my life, I actually shortened those times and hastened the fall by looking for it so hard.

And who says there even has to *be* a fall?

So you know what? I'm just going to live... I'll live for my Boys first, of course, but I'm going to live for me as well... living for me means *enjoying* my Boys and the time with them, but it also means not peeking over my shoulder to see if there's a meteor (or toilet seat) streaking down to put a crimp in my day.

Just live, baby... if it happens, it happens, but until then, I'm *free.*

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