
cue twilight zone theme

Mar. 29, 2006 - 9:34 am

After making my last post, I went to check on something and was reminded of a Sitemeter referral I saw a month or so ago that was kinda strange. I was reminded because, well... there it was again. "It?" you say??? Let me explain...

Now, over the years my chalking things up to "coincidence" has taken a pretty good hit; I don't believe in it all that much. And someone repeatedly Googling me from "allison.com" falls right into that non coin-k-ee-dink category. Those of you from my previous incarnations may remember just why that particular URL sticks out to me; those that don't, well... it would take too long to explain and it's ancient history anyway.

Weird, in that I haven't even *thought* of her in probably over a year. If you're there, my dear... hope life is treating you well, motherhood agrees with you and you're keeping warm! If it *is* someone unrelated from that url (now owned by Rolls-Royce jet engines), well, that's just plain weird and Twilight-zoney. But "Hi!" nonetheless.

We now return you back to your regularly scheduled, boring hindmost alone life...

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