
A Father�s Pride

Mar. 05, 2006 - 7:10 pm

Yesterday, Oldest Boy was at Disneyland for a birthday party, just him and four girls (along with the 70,000 or so others around, I�m sure). The Birthday Girl and the other one he knew have had different levels of crushes on him for the last 2 years (and he�s only 11), but at the party he was particularly enamored of a friend of the Birthday Girl, who he just met then. He described her as a �girl version of me� crazy, funny, more than a little weird, and smart acting stupid.�

Yep; that sounds like him all right.

He had a blast; Disneyland passes are a necessity when you live 2 miles away.

But that�s not the thing that fills my heart with Fatherly Pride. My youngest son (at 6) has been reading up a storm lately; his teacher has even commented with a certain amount of awe at his progress. But last night was my (and his) proudest moment� I asked him what he wanted to do, and he looked through the DVDs for a movie, eventually pulling out Star Wars (after a false start with �Revenge of the Sith�).

When the movie started, and I told him how when I was in High School when it first came out, the opening music and �A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away�� filled me with awe, because I knew I was in for a treat, each and every time I saw it. Then�

He started reading The Crawl to me.

Yeah, I had to pause it a couple times to let him catch up, but it was most certainly A Moment for me.

Tonight: some of that 30-year old Highland Park I brought back from Scotland�

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