
mmm... whisky

Mar. 01, 2006 - 10:35 am

Glenlivet??? Do not try and teach your grandmother how to suck eggs, Rosenberg... I brought two bottles of Glenlivet home from my trip to Scotland last year.

I hope that link works... it's blocked for "alcohol" on my work computer. Dorks.

I normally don't like Glenlivet all that much, but after a dinner at the Minore House on the grounds of the distillery, I had to have a couple varieties. Guess I can't look them up from here... Dorks.

But anyway... I brought my scotch collection up over 70 bottles with those two and the other 11 I brought back (yep... THIRTEEN BOTTLES!!! And Customs didn't even look at me funny... well; not any funnier than normal). I mean sure... it's down into the 50 range again due to extensive sampling, so I need to do something about that. Maybe at least get my list back up on the sidebar. Stay tuned.

That and take the advice to heart, having a couple drams this evening. Of course, sampling *before* going roller skating would likely result in my needing morphine rather than Advil.

In decorating the "new" (old) homestead, I'm getting me some actual "artwork."

OK; actual posters or prints of artwork... I seem to be about $30mil short of what I'd like to get... not that I could afford the insurance anyway.

Several years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to see some of the Van Gogh's when they were at the LACMA. one in particular just had me staring mouth agape.

Obviously, pictures on the 'net don't do it justice.

But I queried my sister ( who happens to be an Art Historian at The Getty) and she said I should try and get that and whatever else might catch my fancy. It stayed in my shopping cart for a couple weeks until I remembered this morning.

I went to order it this morning, and it was discontinued. I couldn't find it *anywhere,* so I'm wondering if they had some issues with that one in particular. However, I found someplace that creates forgeries from scratch, and even though they are much more expensive, I decided to give one a try.

Fortunately, the original, cheaper one I found a few weeks ago was discontinued, as in my research I discovered it was much smaller than the original. I'd rather have something closer in size to what I saw in LA. Unfortunately, I'll probably *like* it, and want a few more. I won't be hanging dozens of paintings/posters/repros all over my home, but I know what I like, and Van Gogh is it. I even remember giving a speech on him when I was in the sixth grade.

But between that, the painting and all the wallpaper stripping going on, I am making the house more and more mine each and every day. Give me a few months and you'll never even know TheX lived there.

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