
after the d-x crash

Feb. 27, 2006 - 10:09 am

If I'm going to do this, I think I actually need to *do* this. With diary-x unrecoverable, this is the only place left. I have a full backup of the 2 years worth of hindmost stuff over there, and my backup of the divorce journal (which will simply never be published openly without extensive editing due to personal details) was made in October 2005... I guess I should be thankful I have that; it appears there are a lot of people who will wind up with nothing.

Back up your journals, people! I initially used something called httrack(I think); d-x had a backup utility, which is what I used in October.

So let's see... with extra time on my hands this weekend, I tackled several projects... blah, blah... replace windows, clean backyard, boring household shit. Got a reply from the GF on Wednesday last week, and made mine back on Friday.

On Saturday we got together to talk (although the talking itself didn't actually ensue until Sunday morning... making up takes precedence sometimes!). I know that in the aftermath of my divorce, I have a LOT of work to do on myself. By no means do I shoulder all the "blame" for our tiff, but there are things I need to look at about myself. I hope that in itself is a never-ending quest. Having someone who will work with me (and with themselves) is the greatest gift I have been given.

One thing that really stuck with me is that she said she couldn't tell her son why I was in such a bad mood on my birthday... the call and being late was due to his homework, and he is a very sensitive and shy boy who *really* idolizes me... he would have been devastated. And that's true. I'm of course not trying to be his dad; he's already got one of those. But I *am* an adult male role model for him... maybe I should start acting like one (an adult, I mean)?

Lots going on in the noggin today, but the a/c is out here in the lab... it's near 90 degrees and I just can't function. Gotta walk around.

But I think things are going forward well, both with the GF and my life. Learning process continues going forward..

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